from 4th till 10th of March *
discussion: 7th of March, 8 PM on the Zoom platform here
Silent feature film in cooperation with Czech National film archive:

EROTICON // Gustav Machatý, Czechoslovakia, 1929, 85’, digitalizirana kopija
One rainy night a railway station guard offers shelter to an elegant traveller who has missed his train. When the guard is called away the traveller, George, is left alone with his daughter Andrea. The young man of the world makes a big impression on Andrea and that same night the girl succumbs to him. In the morning George leaves. After some time Andrea discovers that she is expecting a baby. George continues to live his carefree life in the city and spends most of his time with the married, Mrs Gilda. When he receives a letter from Andrea saying that she is pregnant, he sends her some money. Andrea leaves for the city to give birth in secret. The child is still-born, however. Andrea later marries a man who has saved her from an attempted rape on a deserted road. She gives him her own blood for a necessary tranfusion after an injury which the assailant had caused. One day, while in the company of her husband, she meets George who tries to seduce her again. Soon the old longing awakens in her and she leaves her husband to go away with George. Gilda’s husband comes to George’s flat and picks a quarrel with George over his wife. During this scene Andrea bitterly realises that George has otherlovers. In the fit of jealousy Gilda’s husband shoots …
The première was held in Karlovy Vary. Its Prague première took place on the 3rd of January 1930. It was shown again in 1933 in its Czech and German sound versions with the music of Erno Košťál. Both versions were substantially cut. In the NFA is preserved a copy of the German version (K-N 1860,0 m), a copy of the Czech version on the video. During the years 1993 – 1995 the film was reconstructed by the National Film Archive.
A young girl from Divača runs away from home and, despite her mother’s ban, auditions for a film in huge Berlin, which was the film metropolis of Europe at the time. A universal story of an unknown person who succeeds in a great breakthrough in the world and who awakens courage, admiration, sympathy, optimism and indirect identification in the viewer. She changes three names and surnames in her life. At that time, more articles were written about her at home and around the world than about any other Slovene. She persistently fills the columns of defamatory newspapers, with gossip about her work in film and her love affairs circulating between Zagreb, Ljubljana and Belgrade. Fans completely occupy the train station in Belgrade, when she comes to the premiere of his film, just to see it. She is the first Slovenian to appear naked on the movie screen. He makes over forty films and repeatedly rejects tempting offers from the USA and travels to Belgrade instead of Hollywood. The peak of her career is undoubtedly the film Eroticon. When it was first shown, it simply shook Europe. With this role, Ita Rina becomes a star who gets tempting roles, dream fees, and letters from fans start coming to her address. The film also raises quite a bit of dust about the title and a few nude scenes, making it one of the most watched films of the year. For the first time, Ito Rino is also being praised by Slovenian newspapers, which until then were full of ridicule and doubt about our first film actress. Izo Rino, Razgled magazine, proclaims “an emancipated modern woman” as an example.