Društvo za razvoj filmske kulture
Glavni Trg 22
2000 Maribor

FeFi Festival is created in the Association for Film Culture Development (Maribor Slovenia) by: Jana Burger (organization and program), Žiga Brdnik (organization and program), Irena Ocepek (design), Andrej Mesarič (website), Anja Horvat (translation and subtitles) and Rene Puhar (president of the association); with the help and support by GT22, PLAC and Slovenian Film Database BSF; with the financial support by the City Municipality of Maribor.

We would like to thank: all the authors, and all the supporters, Hani Repše, Oliwia Hahn, Krzysztof Juszczak, Slavku Hrenu and RTV Slovenija.